Privacy Notice: Connected Yorkshire Research Database

Yorkshire Ambulance Service shares data with Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as part of the Connected Yorkshire research database. Connected Yorkshire aims to use anonymised health, social care and the wider determinants of health data about the population to drive new and improved treatments and services. Further information on Connected Yorkshire is available on the website

How will my information be used?

Information in your health records is confidential and is not routinely shared. Connected Yorkshire will use anonymised (de-personalised) data where the information that identifies you has been removed or replaced. The data will be used in new and innovative ways to determine how ill the population is in your area, whether the services meet your needs and to explore how they can be improved.

Connected Yorkshire will be working on all care pathways approved by the programme including child obesity, child mental health, diabetes, epilepsy, emergency care, medically unexplained symptoms, and healthy ageing patient care pathways. Connected Yorkshire is committed to protecting your privacy at all times and will only use data ethically and lawfully.

Yorkshire Ambulance Service share anonymised data relating to NHS111 calls, emergency (999) calls and electronic patient records with Connected Yorkshire. The handling of personal data is controlled by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and associated legislation. Data shared with Connected Yorkshire is undertaken in accordance with the Yorkshire Ambulance service privacy policy ( and in compliance with research approvals obtained from both the NHS Research Ethics Service and the NHS Health Research Authority Confidentiality Advisory Group.

The Health Research Authority, on advice from the Confidentiality Advisory Group, has supported the processing of confidential patient information without consent under Regulation 5 of the Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002 ('section 251 support'). The data held in the Research Database can only be used in research projects that are in the public interest.

For further information on how Yorkshire Ambulance Service work with the Connected Yorkshire research database, please email

Should you prefer for your data not to be included in the Connected Yorkshire research database, please visit the NHS Data opt-out website ( Withdrawing permission for your data to be included in the Connected Yorkshire research database will not affect your treatment in any way.

Data in the Connected Yorkshire database is intended to be kept indefinitely, subject to ongoing approvals by the Health Research Authority, which are periodically reviewed (every 5 years).