Gender Pay Gap Information

The legislation requires employers to publish the results of six calculations and this report provides information on:

  • Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay - adding together the hourly pay rates of all male or female full pay and dividing this by the number of male or female employees. The gap is calculated by subtracting the results for females from results for males and dividing by the mean hourly rate for males. This number is multiplied by 100 to give a percentage.
  • Median gender pay gap in hourly pay – arranging the hourly pay rates of all male or female employees from highest to lowest and find the point that is in the middle of range.
  • Mean bonus gender pay gap - add together bonus payments for all male or female employees and dividing this by the number of male or female employees. The gap is calculated by subtracting the results for females from results for men and dividing by the mean hourly rate for men. This number is multiplied by 100 to give a percentage.
  • Median bonus gender pay gap – arranging the bonus payments of all male or female employees from highest to lowest and find the point that is in the middle of the range.
  • Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment – total males and females receiving a bonus payment divided by the number of relevant employees.
  • Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile – ranking all of our employees from highest to lowest paid, dividing this into four equal parts (‘quartiles’) and working out the percentage of men and women in each of the four parts.

Gender pay reporting is different to equal pay. The gender pay gap is the average difference between the gross hourly earnings for all men and women which is expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings (as set out in the explanation above). Equal pay refers to men and women being paid the same for like work; work rated as equivalent or work of equal value as set out in the Equality Act 2010. It is unlawful to pay people unequally purely because they are a man or a woman.

Gender Pay Gap Action Plan 2024-25

Gender Pay Gap Action Plan 2022-24

Gender Pay Gap Action Plan 2020-22

Gender Pay Gap Action Plan 2020-21

Gender Pay Gap Action Plan 2019-20

Gender Pay Gap Submissions can be found on the UK Government Website:

Gender Pay Gap 2024 Infographic

Gender Pay Gap 2023 Infographic

Gender Pay Gap 2022 Infographic

Gender Pay Gap 2021 Infographic