Data Protection Impact Assessments

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Yorkshire Ambulance Service carries out a Data Protection Impact Assessment whenever new types of processing are undertaken or new systems are introduced that have the capacity to create a high risk to the security of personal data.

Each Data Protection Impact Assessment involves the systematic evaluation of the information risks associated with the new processing and the determination of appropriate measures and controls that will reduce these risks to a level that enables the Trust to process the personal data in compliance with the data security requirements of GDPR. Completed assessments are authorised by the Trust’s Data Protection Officer.

Data Protection Impact Assessments completed by YAS since the introduction of GDPR in May 2018 are shown in the register below. Copies of these Assessments are available on request from:

Freedom of Information 

Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Springhill 2
Brindley Way


July 2020

IUC BCWeb ApplicationNew system/database in the form of a digital BC application which will replace the current Paper BC process. This is critical to the running of the NHS 111 service in Yorkshire and Humber by YAS IUC. The BCWeb App is a web-based application developed by YAS IT and is hosted in-house on its own secure server, the data is stored on a secure server hosted by YAS.July 2024

Data Protection Impact Assessment  Brief Description  Date Finalised 
National Record Locator Service (NRLS) The NRLS can store the location of digital (and paper) records across the NHS. YAS is involved in a pilot of the NRLS which is restricted to sharing Mental Health Emergency Care or Crisis Plans with Ambulance and 111 services. The NRLS will identify which NHS organisations hold these plans, enabling YAS to request access. Access will be provided only in accordance with GDPR confidentiality requirements. October 2018
Paramedic Rotation Pilot Scheme YAS is taking part in a trial paramedic rotation scheme led by Health Education England (HEE). The aim of the scheme is to improve patient care through the more effective deployment of specialist and advanced paramedics. The focus of the Data Protection Impact Assessment was on the exchange of data with HEE as part of the evaluation of this project. January 2019
Paediatric Pain Service Evaluation Yorkshire Ambulance Service is preparing a research project to examine whether an alternative method of analgesia administration may improve the management of pain in children. This evaluation is to better understand the current situation in the Service with regards to pain control in paediatric patients February 2019
R Statistical Software To support the introduction at Yorkshire Ambulance Service that enables powerful data analysis beyond that available in simpler spreadsheet applications. February 2019
Vocare Vocare Ltd is to be utilised for Emergency Department validation, using associated qualified clinicians for a time limited pilot with the appropriate governance arrangements. As part of this contractual arrangement YAS will be using Vocare Clinicians to assess cases sent to their call queue via the DoS these cases would normally be handled in the YAS call centres. Vocare Ltd is an existing NHS 111 provider with outsourcing arrangements in place with other providers. February 2019
Clinical Feedback Pilot with York Hospitals NHS Trust This is a local pilot project aimed at optimising outcomes and improving in-transit care for ambulance patients by obtaining clinical feedback on individual patients from the Emergency Department at York Hospitals Trust. February 2019
GRS to CAD Global Rostering System (GRS) to be configured to allow crew qualifications to be passed through the interface to update the Trusts Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) live system automatically. January 2020
Yorkshire & Humber Care Record The YHCR will support the delivery of integrated care by providing health and social care teams working together with a single point of access to information about the service user, collected from their separate medical and social care records.

The system allows Care Professionals within the Yorkshire and Humber region Health and Social Care community to view, personal and sensitive information about service users. The information held on this system will include Social Care data, as well as data provided by other primary and secondary healthcare providers in the Yorkshire and Humber region Health community.
April 2020

Clinical triage to be completed from home during the COVID 19 pandemic via video from GoodSAM.

This will allow Emergency Operations Centre staff (EOC) to provide clinical triage to patients if widespread staff sickness or isolation starts due to COVID 19. The information will be recorded in the trusts ePR/C3 system and stored according to established trust process. Information is pertinent to the call and outcome will be passed back to EOC and where relevant will be passed to an attending crew or referral recipient. No video images will be recorded.
June 2020
Wakefield SPOC To support the formation of a new clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. This will also support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary August 2020
Sheffield Alcohol To support the sharing of information to allow the referral of patients over the age of 18 who have been clinically assessed by a Yorkshire Ambulance Service clinician, using M-SASQ tool, and are believed to have ongoing alcohol misuse issues or issues with substance misuse regardless of transport decision. The patient will need to consent to the referral. September 2020
FLUMIS FLUMIS system (created by Microcare Technologies Ltd) will enable paperless recording of staff’s flu vaccine into a secure system other than a paper based system. October 2020
Epilepsy Barnsley Following the attendance at a 999 call a crew will identify if the patient has suffered from a seizure and is known to have epilepsy. Following a decision that the patient is safe to remain at home the crew will call the clinical hub (health desk) and make a non-urgent referral to the local epilepsy service. Information, detailed above, will be passed via the phone from the clinician to the health desk staff member who will add the information into the referral form The referral form is then emailed securely to the epilepsy service on the email address provided. The epilepsy service will then action the referral and make contact with the patient as required. October 2020
Epilepsy RDASH Following the attendance at a 999 call a crew will identify if the patient has suffered from a seizure and is known to have epilepsy. Following a decision that the patient is safe to remain at home the crew will call the clinical hub (health desk) and make a non-urgent referral to the local epilepsy service. Information, detailed above, will be passed via the phone from the clinician to the health desk staff member who will add the information into the referral form The referral form is then emailed securely to the epilepsy service on the email address provided. The epilepsy service will then action the referral and make contact with the patient as required. October 2020
YAS Covid Management System The Covid 19 Management System will enable paperless recording of staff Covid Vaccinations. The system will also include a booking system. The employee will complete a consent form prior to arranging their appointment which includes this NHS number, an up to date telephone number and some health related questions. This will enable YAS to report on the number of vaccinations and the suitability of the vaccine. Any data reported nationally will not include any identifiable data. January 2021

There is currently sparse information relating to the use of ambulance services by the prison population. Some work in Australia has investigated the use of emergency health services following release from prison, but not the use of emergency health services during stay in prison.

Previous work extracting data from clinical records in four prisons saw that many of the prison population are identified as having long-term conditions (LTCs) and are amongst some of the most vulnerable members of society.

There are 14 remand prisons within the region covered by Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (YAS). Initial work indicated that the highest proportion of ambulance calls originating from prisons were made by Health Care Professionals (HCP). However, further details regarding the reason for calls, any treatments provided and the resulting disposition of these patients is unknown.

The aim of this evaluation is to understand the current level of demand, reasons for demand and patient disposition when emergency ambulance calls are made from prisons in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

February 2021
Non YAS Site Vaccination Application To enable YAS staff members to be booked in at other NHS providers to receive a COVID vaccine. YAS will collect information from staff who may be eligible to receive a COVID vaccination at another NHS provider site. The data collected will be passed to the NHS provider who will use the information to contact the staff member. All results will be collected through a secure ‘365’ form and uploaded to a secure portal. Once collected, the data will be shared with the Employee Health and Wellbeing team. February 2021

As part of the N365 product, the Teams rollout is part of a suite of applications, including Microsoft office and will replace the out of support Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010. Products within this include; Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) Teams SharePoint OneDriveTEAMS DPIA – Final March 2021 Page 3 of 26 Plus additional components that will allow workflows, forms and advanced functionality to develop line of business improvements.

This DPIA needs to be read in conjunction with the NHSD DPIA

March 2021
Bike to Work

The Bike to Work Scheme has been available to Yorkshire Ambulance Staff since 2011. The platform that we use is the Vivup benefits platform. This is already available to YAS staff but we have received approval to increase the value available to staff through the scheme. The Bike to Scheme limit has been raised from £1000 to £3000.

Data is collected in order to discount salary as part of the Bike To Work scheme. The types of data collected is detailed below: The employee self-registers on the platform using their First name, Last Name and Email address. This allows them to access the dedicated Employer portal to view their benefits.

March 2021
Star Badges YAS are to share the first name, surname and private residential address of each staff member and volunteer so they can receive a badge and accompanying letter from Rod Barnes, Chief Executive, and Kath Lavery, Chairman as part of the Star Awards on their doorstep of their home. March 2021

Ascenti will provide Musculo skeletal care for the Trust staff including physiotherapy.

Ascenti will hold staff data to effectively assess and treat the patient.

April 2021
Body Worn Cameras

The Trust is participating in the National Pilot Evaluation of Body Worn Cameras (BWc). The BWC’s are capable of capturing both video and audio information. These will be used by uniformed operational staff and be fitted to their Trust issued clothing.

With the progression of technology, the devices have become smaller, lighter and more easily carried by staff. It is widely known that members of the public, going about their daily lives, are likely to have their movements and identity captured on a multitude of surveillance systems and it is of paramount importance to mitigate any privacy risks and issues associated with body worn cameras.

This pilot demonstrates YAS commitment to supporting front line staff regarding instances of violence and aggression.

April 2021
Health Passport

The project will ask staff to share information regarding their health condition that would require an adjustment to be made to enable them to work without barriers. This information can be shared with a new manager and will contain monitoring information about the adjustment.

N365 forms with controlled limited access to SharePoint will hold the information in the FORMS application and an exported spread sheet.

April 2021
End of Life Pilot

The the End of Life Pilot across the WY&H region is to provide interoperability between the disparate systems in the region, providing a golden thread of patient record information that is securely and appropriately available at the point of care across the full health and care system.

There is a clear case for change that is focused around the ability to deliver safer, more effective and joined-up care and to achieve more efficient (and cost-effective) internal processes.

May 2021
Connected Bradford The Connected Yorkshire (cYorkshire) programme supports service improvement, learning health systems and Population Health Management projects across Bradford District & Craven. The anonymised data will be used to support service improvement and will be applied for all pathways of care as identified by the programme. The intentions and purposes of the Connected Yorkshire linked datasets include the following. This list is not exhaustive: - Understanding the patterns of health needs for patients - Mapping of pathways of care across organisations. - Using this learning to develop new patient care interventions and quality improvement programmes, that integrate health and social care, including self-management and community based approaches. - Evaluating the effects of changes in healthcare practice and policy. - Anonymised data will be used for research purposes and in research publications. May 2021
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Local Maternity System Following the review of maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust (Ockenden, 2020), the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Local Maternity System (LMS) now has a requirement to support the quality surveillance of maternity services. The LMS is currently hosted by NHS Wakefield CCG. The LMS are a partnership of maternity and neonatal providers, commissioners, local authorities and Maternity Voices Partnerships working together to transform maternity services in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. acute trust maternity services and YAS are required to share information regarding the nature of serious incidents and immediate actions taken, in order for LMS peer review to be undertaken, as appropriate; for themes to be identified and escalated as appropriate and for learning from incidents to be shared and lessons learnt. May 2021
National Defibrilator Network

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) are leading a project to create a National Defibrator Network (NDN) which is also known as The Circuit.

The NDN is a secure national repository of data on the location of defibrillators for public use. It is designed to synchronise every 60 seconds with the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system within each of the UK’s 14 ambulance services. In doing so, it provides the emergency dispatcher with vital data on the location of the nearest defibrillator at the time of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) so that the bystander can be directed to the nearest one.

From summer 2021, location data (and relevant data such as times of opening of the building which the defibrillator is housed) will be shared through a public facing web application if the Guardian has given permission for that data to be shared.

Nationally there is an expectation and a need for all ambulance trusts to join The Circuit to map the locations of all their CPADs. The Circuit would enable us to manage all CPAD activations more effectively.

July 2021
Pathways LVW(F)

To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. This will also support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary.

When making referrals, YAS clinicians will share personal information (as highlighted above) and health information about their patient with staff in the receiving service, to enable the receiving service to identify the correct patient and ensure appropriate continuity of care.

July 2021
South West Yorkshire Foundation Trust (SWYFT)

This DPIA will support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway.

This will also support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. YAS clinicians will share information and health information about their patients with staff in the receiving service to enable appropriate continuity of care.

July 2021

YAS have a Patient Level Information Costing system which is currently undergoing a migration to a new more efficient hosted PLICS system. The software provider will process the information differently as in it will be hosted by the supplier rather than YAS

July 2021
Bradford First Response Service (FRS)

When making referrals YAS clinicians will share personal information and health information about their patient with staff at the receiving service. This will enable the receiving service to identify the correct patient and ensure appropriate continuity of care.

This information will also be shared between the organisations for the purpose of investigations arising from patient care episodes.

August 2021
YAS Pathway to Local Care Direct West Yorkshire

To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary.

August 2021
YAS to Welsh Ambulance Service Trust

Manual phone communications between Trusts to be replaced by an automated system transfer of patient information using the Trust’s CAD system to transfer and receive patient/caller information related to the patient/patients details and health/condition.

September 2021
NHS Digital

Research studies that involve determining outcomes of patients who receive care from Yorkshire Ambulance Service require the linking of ambulance data with other datasets, such as hospital episode statistics and Office for National Statistics mortality data. This is achieved by utilising NHS Digital, who acts as the gatekeeper for these datasets.

September 2021
Pathways Clinical Consultation Reports (PaCCs)

To support the onward referral of patients from 999 into primary care disposition following NHS Pathways assessment.

Information is collected at the point of calling 999, this information is then added following a clinical consultation.

The information is then shared with primary care providers to enable onward referral.

September 2021
Barnsley Falls

To support the formation of an agreement with Barnsley council enabling YAS EOC staff to refer patients who fall and need assistance to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. This will also support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary

October 2021
University of Sheffield (UoS)

Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) and the University of Sheffield (UoS) have a long history of data sharing for research purposes, in order to improve the standard of care provided to our patients and service users.

Previously, separate DPIAs have been created for every study, despite the fact that the legal basis, type of data and method of transfer are usually the same.

This DPIA is intended to cover all future transfers of patient identifiable data between YAS and the UoS, and follows guidance issued jointly by the HRA, MHRA and ICO

September 2021
PTS Vaccine Information Management

As a result of legislation coming into force on 11th Nov 21, only staff who are fully vaccinated against Covid 19 or medically exempt will be able to enter care homes. Currently the Trust hold this information in COVMIS.

This information was obtained as a result of staff receiving their vaccination from YAS or by providing information to YAS about vaccinations obtained elsewhere. This information relating to YAS driving staff & Volunteers will be extracted from COVMIS and entered onto Cleric, the PTS dispatch system. This information will then be available to Logistics staff to enable them to plan appropriate journeys to staff.

October 2021
High Intensity User Group

The High Intensity User Group meeting shares information relating to patients who are making frequent contact with emergency services to identify and assess unmet health, social and environmental needs.

The group ensures individual patients receive the most appropriate care for their needs whilst protecting the capability of member services to respond to others within the community by managing demand on services.

October 2021
Pinderfields Emergency Respiratory Team (PERT) Pathways

To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. This will also support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary.

November 2021

YAS apprenticeship programme currently utilises the ESFA ILR entry tool to upload learner details to the ESFA and claim funding. This is an inputting tool used to create xml reports, it is downloaded from the government ESFA website and located on two YAS laptops.

We are switching from this to the Health Education England provided management information system Maytas. Maytas is managed by Health Education England through a contract of services with the developer and supplier Tribal Education Ltd. HEE will provide user licences and access to YAS for use of the Maytas system and will process and validate YAS learner data.

November 2021
Leeds Falls - Pick Ups To support the formation of an agreement with Leeds council enabling YAS EOC staff to refer patients who fall and need assistance to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also, to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. November 2021
Vaccination Status

Patient facing staff will be advised by secure email/letter to home address that their vaccination status will be downloaded directly from NIVS.

Details of evidence downloaded from NIVS will be uploaded to Covmis. In time, all data from Covmis will be extracted and migrated in bulk to ESR. Covmis at this point will be de-commissioned.

December 2021
EASY Expenses

The Counter Fraud team at AuditOne completed a proactive review of Staff Expenses and Eligibility which was finalised in July 2020. The following conclusions were made: Governance, risk management and control arrangements provide limited assurance that the risks identified are managed effectively. Compliance with the control framework was not found to be taking place. Immediate and fundamental remedial action is required. Due to the inconsistency in mileage and expenses claims the Trust is required to introduce an electronic software system for the claiming of mileage and expenses claims. The software the Trust has chosen is E-Expense DPIA December 2021 v1.0 Signed Page 3 of 20 only one of two which is authorised to work with ESR and is provided by Giltbyte. The software they own that we will use is called Easy

December 2021
 AACE/Zeal IPC Survey

Ambulance Staff, volunteers and student paramedics are to be encouraged to complete the national Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) survey, conducted by Zeal Solutions Ltd, so their IPC experiences and feedback, with resulting trends and themes, can be used to identify:

1) best practice across the United Kingdom

2) areas where the sector can do better, with subsequent sharing of actions and timeframes to address the learning

3) the impact of IPC requirements on staff confidence, attitudes and behaviours in the workplace.

December 2021
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Business Continuity (BC) Project

This key aim of the EOC BC Improvements project is to improve the resilience of the EOC in the event of a business continuity event which leads to the loss of EOC services. It aims to introduce and facilitate a move towards a 50/50 model in the delivery of the core dispatch function, split equally between the Wakefield and York sites.

Key job roles will also be based equally between the two sites. One of the key aspects of this project is the re-location of current staff (non EOC) from offices currently based on the first floor at Fairfields. Staff will have the option to either use hot desk facilities on the ground floor of Fairfields or move to other Trust locations. Therefore, there will be a requirement to consult with circa 48 members of staff affected by the relocation.

January 2022
Health and Wellbeing Voucher YAS need to share the email address of each staff member and volunteer so they can receive an email giving them access to an online voucher to be spent on their health and wellbeing. February 2022
PCR Test To enable YAS operational staff (A/E, PTS, 111, EOC) to attend for a PCR test at an agreed testing site as a priority if they are asymptomatic or a contact of a symptomatic or positive COVID-19 case. February 2022
RightCare Barnsley To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. February 2022
Ambulance Data Set Electronic Patient Record Pilot The Ambulance Data Set Project is a national project with a pilot data set submission planned over the period August 2021 to March 2022. The introduction of the Ambulance Data Set into NHS Digital extends the utility of the existing data from its current primary uses into secondary uses. The data set is to bring consistency to information held by the Ambulance service providers, with a view to higher quality and more consistent reporting, removing the need for duplicated effort, all with a view to improving patient outcomes. February 2022
Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber Mental Health Services (RDaSH) To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway, also to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. February 2022
Sheffield Health & Social Care (SHSC) To support the formation of a new clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. April 2022
Datix Cloud IQ DatixCloudIQ is replacing our incumbent system of Datix Web, this is a continuation of our Datix relationship but moving from a hosted solution to a Cloud based solution. This is required following a procurement exercise. April 2022
FLUMIS NIVS The FLUMIS system (microcare technologies) has previously been used to securely record staff flu vaccinations both internal and external to the Trust. This allows for a paperless approach to be adopted. FLUMIS can also be used as a booking system to protect the flow of staff arriving for vaccination. At the same time data is secured on the FLUMIS (internal system) the vaccinator will record the flu vaccination onto NIVS. This allows for external reporting as required by NHSE&I. June 2022
Intergrated Urgent Care Electronic Ambulance Dispatch

Currently IUC/111 verbally shares information with third party ambulance services to dispatch emergency medical assistance following telephone triage of patients. The new process does not impact on what information is shared, just the method of sharing.

The new process will send the information electronically via secured ITK messaging from 111 into the recipient system. This is required to speed up ambulance response time, reduce 111/IUC call length and improve accuracy.

July 2022
YAS Electronic Patient Record

The data forms the clinical record, documenting history of events the assessment findings, treatments following urgent or emergency face to face care.

The data is used for direct patient care which includes generating an accurate patient record. Including access to some additional plans of care e.g. mental Health or End of Life. In- addition the use for incident investigation, clinical audit purposes and may include research*. *Research ethics and consent will be followed as per national guidance.

November 2022
FCMS Doncaster To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. November 2022
A & E Operations Consultation The project aims to introduce three new roles within A&E Operations – Ambulance Care Assistant (ACA); Ambulance Support Worker (ASW) and Associate Ambulance Practitioner (AAP) and implement an enhanced career development framework for A&E Operations which will give greater opportunities for staff and improve the pipeline of future internally developed paramedics.

One of the key aspects of this project is the realignment of current workforce with the roles of Emergency Care Assistant; Emergency Care Assistant (ASW); EMT 1; EMT 1/Student Paramedic (BU); EMT 1 (AAP); Assistant Practitioner and Urgent Care Support Worker to the new A&E career framework model and new roles. Therefore, there will be a requirement to consult with circa 1200 members of staff affected by the organisational change.

November 2022
Conexus Healthcare Pathways To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. November 2022
YAS Shared Care Record YAS already share transfers of care from our electronic patient record (ePR) application to hospital emergency departments, through the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record (YHCR). The Trust would like to broaden the data provision to YHCR, enabling access to the YAS longitudinal shared patient care record for both YAS staff and health and for social care organisations across the region who are YHCR Portal users. The shared patient record will support direct care. YHCR may also, in the future, share pseudonymised information for population health management. November 2022
PTS Patient Survey Sharing of patient addresses with a company who will print and send surveys to patients via post. Due to the nature of the survey, the printing company will also see the date that they used PTS, where they travelled to or from (the name of the hospital for example), and the type of resource they travelled in (PTS ambulance, taxi etc). Response data received by YAS will be anonymous December 2022
CPP Monitoring Forms We are delivering a train-the-trainer programme with 3 external community organisations. The programme will teach staff and volunteers from these organisations how to deliver life-saving skills training. Those organisations then deliver lifesaving skills training to the communities that they work with. Part of the evaluation for the programme will be to identify how successful the organisations delivering training have been in reaching people in these communities. To do this we need to collect data that enables us to report on the proportion of training participants from areas of deprivation and ethnic minority communities. December 2022
EOC Vocare Winter Support To support the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) during winter, the Trust are implementing a sub-contract with Vocare Limited to provide additional telephone clinical advice to a subset of Category 3-5 999 calls. This is a key element of the YAS Winter Plan for 22/23. Following Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System (AMPDS) triage, YAS clinical navigators will identify appropriate Cat 3-5 calls to be passed to Vocare for a telephone clinical consultation - aiming to close the case with self-care advice or onward referral to an appropriate community service. will provide a faster, better outcome for low-acuity patients, and support YAS to prioritise EOC VoCare Winter Support DPIA December 2022 Page 3 of 14 the dispatch of ambulance resources to higherpriority, life-threatening emergencies. December 2022
YAS App – Health & Wellbeing Development of a mobile app. The app will contain information regarding support services staff can access and how to access them. These support services include YAS internal OH services and physiotherapy. Also, external charities and NHS run support and information. It will include links to staff portals such as ESR. The purpose of the app is to allow staff to access all of this on their mobile phone. December 2022
YAS and NICHE Health & Social Care Consulting Ltd NHS England have contracted Niche Health and Social Care Consulting Ltd (“Niche”) to investigate the care pathway of a patient. This involves sharing the records of the deceased and engaging with the staff involved. Without the sharing of information, the investigation would be compromised. YAS will retain Data Controller status and Niche will be Data Processor. January 2023
WYP Warning Markers This information sharing agreement between YAS and WYP is for the purpose of identifying individuals who pose a risk to YAS crews and Police following the attendance at an emergency incident, to enable the parties in making a future risk assessment for its staff to enable them to carry out their functions safely when engaging with individuals and/or other members of the public. The public would expect publicly funded organisations to work collaboratively in order to maintain the safety of their staff and in turn preserve and improve the service that they provide. February 2023
360 Assurance Commissioned FTSU Review Review of controlled drug management process. The purpose of the exercise is to identify any learning for the organization and to enable the Trust to respond appropriately to concerns raised via FTSU May 2023
Empactis To support the management of employee absence via a dedicated absence management platform May 2023
Violence Data South Yorkshire To provide a surveillance system to be utilised alongside other datasets within a data repository and dashboard to aid the SY Violence Reduction Unit May 2023
Pre Hospital Feedback NGH The purpose of this project is to allow clinicians and prehospital members of staff to receive feedback on their clinical practice from emergency department clinicians to better inform and develop future clinical practice, provide closure to traumatic events and patient care, provide a better basis for reflective practice, and support the clinical development of staff through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) June 2023
North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service To support the sharing of information to allow the referral of patients and members of the public within North Yorkshire, who have been in contact with Yorkshire Ambulance Service and who may be at an increased risk of fire to be referred to North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (NYFRS) for a home safety check to reduce the risk of a fire in their property June 2023
Trust Pension Letter Formal Trust notification to individual staff of a payroll processing error in June via an external provider, Fretwell. This follows on from more general comms in Trust staff updates on Fri 22 & 30 Jun. Deemed not appropriate to e mail, as not all staff regularly review e mails, and no assurance that ESR will contain up to date personal e mails. Given the circumstances, a formal letter is the most appropriate to contact the staff in a timely manner. c1,800 staff impacted to various degrees. July 2023
IC Hub Bradford To support the formation of a Clinical Pathway allowing YAS EOC clinicians to refer patients from the ambulance stack to the Intermediate Care HUB for clinical triage and potential 2 hour Urgent community response if appropriate. To support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. July 2023
Humberside Fire & Rescue Service To support the sharing of information to allow the referral of patients and members of the public within Humberside, who have been in contact with Yorkshire Ambulance Service and who may be at an increased risk of fire to be referred to Humberside Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) for a home safety check to reduce the risk of a fire in their property. July 2023
RDaSH - Pressure Ulcer The purpose of this project is to test a pressure ulcer wound kit and to see what impact early intervention and treatment has on our patients. The sharing agreement is being put in place so that YAS can find out patient outcomes from RDaSH following their follow-up care with the patient. July 2023
PPCI ECG sharing via Outlook To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to share ECG (electrocardiograph) images with receiving PPCI (primary percutaneous coronary intervention) centres for patients with suspected STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction, or heart attack), as part of the usual pre-alert and hospital handover process. Images will be sent via secure email, using the Outlook app on a YAS-issued smartphone. This will enable specialist clinicians in these centres to assess patients’ suitability for PPCI prior to arrival at hospital and to provide real-time advice, guidance and support to YAS clinicians at scene with patients having suspected STEMIs. Sharing the ECG directly with the centres will help ensure the right patients are accepted for treatment, improving outcomes and the working relationships between YAS and the PPCI centres. July 2023
Harrogate & District Community NHS FT – Urgent Community Response To support the formation of an updated clinical pathway allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to the service and to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway. Also, to support investigations relating to the pathway if this becomes necessary. The purpose of this pathway is for access to urgent community response (UCR) services across Harrogate and District. UCR is a community-based service typically provided by a multi-disciplinary team to people in their usual place of residence with an urgent care need (required within two hours) and involves an assessment and short-term intervention(s) (typically lasting up to 48 hours). The two-hour response is designed to reduce preventable hospital admission. August 2023
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service Following the attendance of a 999 ambulance, patient transport services or a concerned 999 call taker that someone is at an increased risk of fire due to being a smoker, hoarder, domestic abuse etc., and a referral can be made on the Safelincs portal app, which will be implemented on all YAS smart personal issue mobile phones. SYFRS will then be informed of the referral from Safelincs via API. SYFRS will then contact the person who has been referred within three days, dependant on risks identified via the Safelincs referral. SYFRS will attempt 3 visits, and if they have not made contact with the person referred, a card will be left with the details of who to contact should they still want to discuss a Home Safety Check, including the installation of appropriate resources available from SYFRS. August 2023
Direct Care APIs (GP Connect) GP Connect allows authorised clinical staff to share and view GP practice clinical information and data between IT systems, quickly and efficiently. It makes patient information available to all appropriate clinicians when and where they need it, leading to improvements in both care and outcomes. GP Connect can only be used to share patient information for direct care purposes, not for any other reasons such as planning or research. It provides a suite of technical standards that system suppliers can develop and offer to their customers in their own familiar system.  The GP Connect technology is not changing and has been in use for some time in the NHS111/IUC Service. However, the requirement for local CCG level ISA’s has changed and instead a national level sharing agreement is now available. August 2023
South Wellbeing Dashboard Due to the demands on A&E Operations there is less down time for staff. This used to be an essential time whereby staff were supported by peers or management, regarding difficulties that arise. These difficulties could be personal, or job related. However, as pressures have mounted on Yorkshire Ambulance Service there has been a reduction in the possibility of general/unscheduled check ins. The South Wellbeing Dashboard created an initial mobile interactive process with the intention of replicating the previous general/unscheduled check ins. The South Wellbeing Dashboard is for all Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust Staff. Currently the Post Incident Care process is in place to support staff who have multiple stressors impacting them personally and/or professionally, or after a traumatic job that has impacted them personally and/or professionally. The South Wellbeing Dashboard intends to support Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust staff at the earliest possible point. This support will predominantly focus on low level stresses which an employee would choose to disclose. September 2023
West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service To support the sharing of information to allow the referral of patients and members of the public within West Yorkshire, who have been in contact with Yorkshire Ambulance Service and who may be at an increased risk of fire to be referred to West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) for a home safety check to reduce the risk of a fire in their property. September 2023
YAS Electronic Patient Record The data forms the clinical record, documenting history of events the assessment findings, treatments following urgent or emergency face to face care. The data is used for direct patient care which includes generating an accurate patient record. Including access to some additional plans of care e.g. mental Health or End of Life. In- addition the use for incident investigation, clinical audit purposes and may include research*. *Research ethics and consent will be followed as per national guidance. September 2023
Patient Experience Survey The purpose of this project is to increase our response rate to the patient experience survey, in order to achieve this, we will reduce the amount of questions asked to the patient and send the survey via a link which makes it more accessible for the patient to fill out. October 2023
Violence Data West The West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP – formerly Violence Reduction Unit) is tasked with leading and co-ordinating the local response to Serious Violence in line with the Serious Violence Duty for the area. Responsible for delivering a ‘whole system’, public health approach to tackling violence, the VRP brings together key community safety partners to identify the local drivers and root-causes of serious violence and agree and implement a multi-agency response to them. This is an evidence-based analysis approach, reliant on good multi-agency working that facilitates data sharing between partners/agencies and thus pool the data for analysis, research and evaluation purposes for a more complete understanding of the drivers of Serious Violence. Community safety partners have tasked the VRP with the local strategic needs assessment and the response strategy – products developed from the evidence-based analysis of the causes of serious violence within their area. October 2023
Integrated Urgent Care 121 This project is required to digitalise the IUC 121 process. The current 121 process uses approximately 120,000 pieces of paper per year.Digitalising this process will drastically reduce the amount of paper purchased, and save around 1,056kg of CO2 used in manufacturing paper per annum. In addition to this, the current process relies heavily on manual input which costs IUC team leaders many hours of downtime. October 2023
InVentry At present the trust collects data for staff and visitors to sign into the HQ premises. This is done via a manual signing in book. This system would replace that with an electronic system, called InVentry. This would enable the trust to meet its statutory requirements under the Health and Safety Act in respect to the security of the site, and its duties under the Regulatory Reform Act in terms of fire safety. Information gathered is necessary to ensure the safety and security of all staff and visitors, along with the wider public. Information would be utilised in the event of an emergency or security breach. October 2023
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff. This DPIA is required because there is a need to share a small amount of staff identifiable data to support the administration of the training. Staff identifiable information to be shared with the training companies will be in the form of a or local authority email address together with the first name and surname of the attendees joining training event. The email and staff name is shared with the commissioned training provider under contract who are going to deliver this interactive training to staff who fit the criteria to receive this training across West Yorkshire December 2023
PHEMNet The Trust has a longstanding partnership with Yorkshire Air Ambulance to jointly provide the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS). Under the partnership YAA provide the airframe and flight crew, with YAS providing the paramedic teams and medical resource. Information sharing between the partners is necessary for safe and effective delivery of the joint HEMS service. This focuses on two areas: YAS Trust Staff Information: for staff involved in HEMS, staff names and contact details are required to be held on the system for operational scheduling of shifts, staff communication, audit and flight record keeping for the civil aviation authority (a YAA legal responsibility). Service Users: NHS Numbers, ages, gender and health information on patient conditions and interventions delivered by HEMS are recorded for service monitoring (by YAS HEMS staff and jointly with key YAA operational and aviation staff). This also enables the production of aggregate (non-identifiable service statistics to monitor and report on the activity of HEMS to the YAA & YAS Partnership Board; NHS commissioners, Charitable donors and the general public. YAA to purchase and access an electronic clinical database platform – PHEMNet - which is used to fulfil the specific governance needs of HEMS. January 2024
Pre Hospital Feedback - Rotherham The purpose of this project is to allow clinicians and prehospital members of staff to receive feedback on their clinical practice from emergency department clinicians to better inform and develop future clinical practice, provide closure to traumatic events and patient care, provide a better basis for reflective practice, and support the clinical development of staff through Continuous Professional Development (CPD). January 2024
IUC Recruitment There will be radio adverts and DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) that has a TEXT back process for potential candidates to receive further information on how to apply for roles in IUC. The TEXT will land within a new email box set up for the project to capture the mobile telephone number to enable our Central Recruitment Team to call the candidates back to provide further information. January 2024
EOC Consultation To implement the agreed changes to the structure in EOC, which are changes and amendments to some job roles in order to strengthen management cover at both Wakefield and York sites, ensuring the management of EOC is robust in order to effectively manage a significantly increased staff profile by 30th June 2024. Data showing staff names and roles will be required for the consultation process. January 2024
Pre - Hospital Feedback - Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust This project is to allow clinicians and prehospital members of staff to receive feedback on their clinical practice from emergency department clinicians to better inform and develop future clinical practice, provide closure to traumatic events and patient care, provide a better basis for reflective practice, and support the clinical development of staff through Continuous Professional Development (CPD). January 2024
Global Rostering System (GRS) with Cloud Migration Scheduling system. June 2024
Pathways Project The aim of the project is to migrate from AMPDS ProQA to NHS Pathways as the primary triage solution for 999 call handling, resulting in a single primary triage solution across 999 and 111. This will enable 999 call handlers to have access to the Directory of Services (DOS) and make onward referrals direct to primary care without the need for secondary clinical triage. February 2024
Pathways to Rotherham Foundation Trust To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to govern the patient information of patients from YAS to the Rotherham Foundation Trust and to monitor the effectiveness of the patients’ journey. Also to support investigations/Plan, Do, Study, Act (PSDA) Quality Improvement cycle relating to the journey. The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. March 2024
Optima Health Provision of OH service to all YAS staff & some volunteers that meet the criteria set by YAS. Optima Health will provide an Occupational Health service to YAS staff which includes the provision of health surveillance, pre placement and immunisation for identified roles, thus Optima Health will be collecting and storing personal and special category information which may also include information from third parties such as GPs. March 2024
Eligibility within Cleric Cleric PTS APTS software is used by YAS to record all patient bookings, schedule and track transport. The system has been used by YAS since 2009 (Earlier versions were used by the 3 separate services TENYAS /WYMAS/SYAS) The software records patient demographics, medical and mobility needs, special notes and details of the resulting journey. Almost all fields are configurable by YAS and some fields such as COVID status may be temporary whereas NHS number has remained a static requirement. Within Cleric it is possible to configure question sets which help YAS or those with access to book journeys, to determine mobility or eligibility of patients. As a result of a recent NHSE review into Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPTS), a single eligibility question set will be applied to all patient bookings from approximately Q3 of 24/25. This question set will gather additional data which is related to patients’ eligibility such as whether a patient is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or if they have severe communication difficulties. The answers to the questions will be recorded in the audit trail linked to that patient record. This DPIA acknowledges use of an existing database, and retrospectively considers the key DPIA elements, whist also recording the need to ask additional questions of patients who request NEPTS transport. April 2024
WFM Emergency Roll Call (ERC) New system is being implemented as per YAS strategy. To ensure EOC have the ability contact EMDs quickly in the event of MAJAX as part of ERP requirements and also to ensure staff can be contacted for overtime and convey business continuity messages under the same principles GRS is used currently. April 2024
Hull University Teaching Hospitals (HUTH) Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to HUTH and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). June 2024
Must Travel Alone Post COVID 19 the number of Must Travel Alone (MTA) journeys requested has increased considerably, with both patients and Health Care professionals able to request a MTA journey for a range of reasons, but all without evidence of any additional barrier nursing/care at either the home or hospital setting. Provision of MTA journeys increases the costs of running the service and decreases the availability of transport to other patients, thereby decreasing our cost effectiveness and timeliness. There are a number of reasons that patients may not be able to travel with others, such as being immunocompromised following a transplant, or because of their medical treatment, and when this is the case, YAS would anticipate that those patients require isolating within the hospital setting or would be taking precautions to protect their health at home. July 2024
Vita Provision of Musculoskeletal service to all YAS staff & some volunteers by exception. Vita will provide an MSK service to YAS staff thus Vita will be collecting and storing personal and special category information. July 2024
IUC BC Web Application New system/database in the form of a digital BC application which will replace the current Paper BC process. This is critical to the running of the NHS 111 service in Yorkshire and Humber by YAS IUC. The BCWeb App is a web-based application developed by YAS IT and is hosted in-house on its own secure server, the data is stored on a secure server hosted by YAS. July 2024
Stroke Video Triage Hull University Teaching Hospitals To support the sharing of patient information between YAS and Hull University Teaching Hospitals (HUTH) to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of a video triage pilot intervention between YAS and HUTH. July 2024
Stroke Video Triage York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals To support the sharing of patient information between YAS and York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Y&S) to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of a video triage pilot intervention between YAS and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH). July 2024
Bradford District Care Trust Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024
Bradford Epilepsy Service at The Ridge Medical Practice Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to Bradford Epilepsy Service at The Ridge Medical Practice and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024
City Health Care Partnership (CHCP) Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to City Health Care Partnership and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024
York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024
Tees Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust Pathways To support the patient journey allowing YAS clinicians to refer patients to Tees Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust and to monitor the effectiveness of the referral pathway(s). The purpose of this work is to provide the right care, in the right place, in a timely manner, upholding high quality care for every patient. To achieve this, 1. The minimum necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations to enable the referral of patients for further care or treatment. 2. Anonymised and/or necessary person-identifiable and special-category information will be shared between the above-named organisations for the purposes of clinical governance (including audit, quality improvement and learning from patient safety incidents). July 2024