
Patient care depends on the guaranteed availability of quality equipment, materials and services, balanced against the expenditure of taxpayers’ money, requiring sound economic procurement decisions to be taken.

Our Procurement and Logistics department delivers a risk-balanced approach; adding value, not just processing transactions; improving patient outcomes by buying the best value goods and services; and being legally compliant in accordance with the Trust’s Standing Financial Orders and the Public Contract Regulations 2015.

The cost pressures facing the NHS are considerable and procurement has a key role to play in securing better value for every pound spent on goods and services. As part of our Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) objectives we are committed to working closely with key suppliers in order to reduce costs and prices, whilst ensuring we remain innovative.

The Trust currently uses ‘Atamis’ as its e-Procurement system. It can be accessed via the web browser:

To contact the YAS Procurement and Logistics Department please email: