Information for patients receiving palliative or end of life care
We provide non-emergency transport for patients living with a life-limiting illness, irrespective of their diagnosis.
We know that people will often be faced with challenges, symptoms and emotions that can make life feel difficult. For this reason we offer a responsive and flexible service for patients who need transportation at short notice.
Our staff have received specialised training in caring for those with palliative needs and we help patients and their carers to reach their chosen destination without delay, reducing anxiety, and ensuring everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
The service is available free of charge, 365 days a year for palliative patients registered with a GP in Yorkshire of North Lincolnshire.
To make a booking in Leeds, call 0330 678 4172.
To make a booking anywhere else in Yorkshire or North Lincolnshire, call 0330 678 4000.
Lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For patients registered with a GP in Leeds, the Leeds Palliative Care Network website provides information about palliative and end of life care services for adults. These services are provided by a group of health and care organisations that work together across the city to support patients, families, friends and carers.