Information for healthcare representatives booking transport
Save Time, Book Online
If you have a Quick Book login, click here to make, amend or cancel a booking online.
Making a booking online will ensure that your request for transport is confirmed much more quickly.
Quick Book is an online portal designed to allow healthcare representatives to book, manage, amend and cancel transport bookings for patients.
Quick Book allows you to:
- See current, future and past journeys.
- Check the details of planned journeys, including the type of vehicle booked and whether an escort has been registered.
- Hold conversations with staff in our communications centres via instant messenger (IM) to discuss any queries.
- Cancel transport bookings that are no longer required.
If you are not yet registered to use Quick Book, please contact the PTS Systems team via email:
Managing the demand for our Patient Transport Service
Alongside many NHS services at the moment, our PTS is facing significant challenges, given the demand we are facing for patient journeys. If you are requesting transport for a patient, or referring them to our services directly, please ensure all other options have been exhausted first, for example:
- Could a friend or family member drive them?
- Could they get a taxi, use public transport or contact a local volunteer travel scheme?
- Are they able to drive themselves?
- Are they aware of the Healthcare Travel Costs scheme?
Booking Information
Is my patient eligible of NHS-funded transport?
We will ask a series of questions to assess the patient’s eligibility. The same questions will be asked if you book the journey on your patient’s behalf (online or over the telephone) or if the patient books their own transport. Our reservations team will ask about their medical needs, their mobility and their general transport arrangements.
What if my patient is not eligible for transport?
There are lots of alternative transport options available to ensure that patients can attend their hospital appointments. These include local park and ride schemes, community transport, public transport and volunteer car schemes which often only require them to cover the cost of the driver’s expenses. We can also provide contact details for a number of taxi providers or private ambulance companies that have been quality-assured by our expert team.
Click here for providers in North and East Yorkshire.
Click here for providers in North Lincolnshire.
When is the best time to book transport?
Please try to let us know at least 24 hours in advance the journey where possible, but not longer than seven days before travel. This will help us to manage demand and reduce the number of patients that we are unable to transport.
Using Quick Book will reduce the time it takes to book your patient’s transport, particularly during busy periods.