Specialist and Advanced Paramedics in Urgent Care
Our specialist paramedics in urgent care are specialists in caring for patients with minor illness, minor injury, chronic and complex conditions or those who are frail, elderly or nearing the end of their life. They spend blocks of time on rotation in GP practices (primary care) or urgent treatment centres.
Specialist paramedics play a fundamental role in the delivery of clinical care to patients but also provide advice, support, guidance and development to the wider clinical workforce in relation to patients in their specialism.
Working in the Clinical Hub in the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), they provide peer support to colleagues on the frontline if they want to discuss patient care, so decisions need not be taken in isolation. They also support the triage of patients calling into the centre whenever necessary.
Career progression
The next stage in this career progression is advanced paramedic in urgent care or critical care, who are an essential part of developing the wider clinical workforce, strengthening the clinical leadership structure and fundamental to the clinical supervision and governance of specialist paramedics. The Trust also has several consultant practitioner roles.